From the two images below, which one would you prefer to get from your bank's or business's camera surveillance system? The image on the right is an actual recorded still picture from an Arecont Vision mega pixel camera! How often have we seen newspaper images like the one on the left and found the picture to be grainy and blurry. Arecont Vision is the world's industry leader in mega pixel camera technology.
Another tremendous benefit of Arecont Vision's mega pixel cameras is the ability to see an area such as these parked cars shown in this picture with zoom capability. Zooming in on this recorded image will allow someone the ability to read a license plate as shown in the insert. This image is from a 2 mega pixel camera. Arecont makes 1.3, 2, 3, and 5 mega pixel cameras.
Arecont's mega pixel cameras often are less expensive than standard "high resolution" cameras. Because of a wider field of view while not compromising high definition, one camera can do the work of multiple cameras.
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